Ultimate did not steal its name and has been very fittingly called one of the most "magical" products. Granted, those are the manufacturer's words, but still. This powerful foam does do what it's supposed to do. And it does that pretty much everywhere.
Whether it's tar, grease, bugs, dirt, mud, or anything else, and whether it's on your headlight, rim, bike, body, or anywhere else, it'll go away. Ultimate is also gentle on the surface you use it on. In fact, any surface, both matt and shiny. It is non-corrosive and will not bite into plastic or metal. It only targets the dirt.
You shake the can before use, spray the foam on the motorcycle, wait a minute and wipe everything clean with a soft cloth. Going over it again with a microfiber cloth gives the best effect. You can also rinse with water, but that is not necessary.
Quality product!