If something is good, it's always a shame when the end comes in sight. Fortunately, when that happens, there are refillable bottles that allow you to start again.
In this case, we remember the term 'sisyphean labour' from our school days, because washing motorcycles does involve an endless amount of fruitlessness. Not to worry though, as Unpass' MW shampoo makes the job a whole lot easier.
We - who rather ride than clean - have tested it with positive results. You can use the MW on any engine part and that only speeds up the whole process. Whether it is insects, soot, dust or mud, on the headlight, screen, bodywork or rims, in aluminium, varnish, plastic or painted: spray it on, hold a little water nearby and rinse, with or without a sponge. And if the syringe is empty, refill it and start again.
You can't do that much wrong with this cleaning product. And it will leave you with a seemingly new and very shiny bike. And a moment of zen while you clean.