The original
product. Muc-Off,
the pink original.
This is where it all started. The engine cleaner that
almost scares the dirt by being so effective. And also a bit because it's so
The cleaning formula with nanotechnology breaks down the dirt on a microscopic level, penetrates into the smallest cavities and therefore does not need to contain corrosive, caustic ingredients. Efficiency trumps, and it is kind to paintwork and materials like rubbers, brake discs, cables, rings, carbon, etc.
Muc-Off's engine cleaner is biodegradable and free of chemicals, acids, CFC's and solvents, according to the specifications. This means that you can let the rinse water run into your garden or street without problems with your conscience.
The instructions are as simple as Muc-Off is
1. Rinse the bike!
2. Spray with Nano Tech
Bike Cleaner and let it soak for about 5 minutes
3. Rub a little where it's
4. Rinse, part two. And done.

This 1L container will allow for several washes - depending on what your favourite terrain is, of course. There is also a handy refill.