The round Doubletake Trial by Ram Mounts steps away from the typical 1-inch-ball and focuses on the mirroring effects of this – well, yes – 5-centimetre diameter rear-view mirror. These are sold per unit.
Dakar rider Ned Suesse is called the inventor of the Doubletake Trial, enabling purebred rally and cross bikes to give you a view of what’s behind. Even a pretty decent view, actually.
The premise is that higher positioned rear-view mirrors first of all change the silhouette of your cross machine and secondly, need replacing after about 3 rides. The fewer protruding parts, the better. The black casing consists of DuPont™ Zytel® Nylon plastic and the chances of it outliving your motorbike are quite real. Indestructible and UV-resistant, so black stays black. This is also valid for the strong Panduit® Tie-rap used to attach this rear-view mirror to your handlebars.
The mirror itself is a ‘SAE spec convex’-lens that offers a relatively wide vision despite its small size. There’s a life-long warranty on the casing. Given that any higher-level throwing, jumping and other hooliganisms create a substantial risk for the lens, the warranty is not valid there.
The Doubletake Trial by Ram Mounts also perfectly serves its purpose on a bicycle.