Motorcycle helmet parts
No, we're not going to sell you a new motorcycle helmet every so often. Firstly, because every motorcycle helmet at RAD is high-quality and secondly, because these days there are plenty of solutions to repair small defects.
A helmet is a personal thing, you experience every adventure with it and you take good care of it. If a piece does break off, there is a simple way of fixing it.
Every motorcycle helmet is different. Each brand has specific dimensions and characteristics. So don't just start tinkering. Use the filters on the left side of the page to find the right parts for your specific model.
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Advice from the RAD-house
A motorcycle helmet is designed and manufactured to provide 100% protection, just once. Only once. Make sure that one time is not in your garage or at the kitchen table, and place your motorcycle helmet safely on a helmet donut when you are working on it.