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Mirrors for motorcycles

Personalising your bike doesn't require special paint or fitting half or full fairings. The simplest way to sport a different style is to replace your standard mirrors.

Now, you could be visiting this page because mirrors are among the first things that are damaged in a crash. In that case, you are welcome too, of course.
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Universal replacement mirrors - smaller, bigger or differently shaped - can be mounted relatively quickly and easily by yourself.

You need to check two technical facts.

1) The thread diameter of the replacement mirror
must be the same as the thread in the mirror mounting hardware on your vehicle's handlebar.

2) Left-hand thread adapter supplied
This is only important for Yamaha motorcycles. On Yamaha motorcycles the right-hand mirror mount on the handlebars has a left-hand thread. Some mirrors come with this adapter, others don't. If you only need this adapter, you can find it here.

Does the mirror of your choice have the wrong thread for your mount? No problem at all! We have every possible adapter to fit your new mirrors on your motorcycle.

When buying new mirrors, don't forget that mirror housings can be made of metal or plastic, but it's not always clear which is made from what. Check out the specifications.

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